Exam Preparation Course

Dear parents and students,

The Exam Preparation Course (German) is aimed at students who would like to give their exams in 8th or 9th grade. You may also wish to write the BMS/IMS/FMS/HMS exam (English/German/French) The online course is coming soon.

Lessons take place in groups and individual support will also be provided.

I give tuitions online via Zoom during weekends. If you are interested, please don’t hesitate to write me a mail: info.boco@yahoo.com

Please note that the spots for the group tuition are limited subject to the teacher’s availability/time constraints.

General French Course for Children from 6th Grade onwards

Dear parents and students

This general French course is for those who would like to improve their grades and need help in doing their homework (Hausaufgaben Nachhilfe). This course goes in accordance to the current teaching plan (Lehrplan 21) and material (dis-donc and Envol). Students need to bring the parts of their homework which they don’t understand.

Note: This course is still in the planning stage and will be available to you soon.

Guidance for Parents

Have you wondered how you can motivate your child despite not knowing the French or German language? As a teacher studying at the PH FHNW, I will guide you through your child’s learning process and tell you how you can help and encourage them.